Thursday, August 29, 2013

Artist Summary

            The areas of digital art in which I excel the most at and more importantly have the most fun with is the actual modeling of the object or character. I do find myself drawing a large majority of the time as well, which contributes to my modeling in many ways. I don’t believe that I have a specific theme or idea that I focus on, but when it comes to drawing I find myself sticking to a specific style, at least as of late. This style focuses heavily on high contrast and very stylized images. When I get in the “zone” I could draw or work on a model all day without stopping. Music also has a very big impact on my work, and can sometimes take me in a different direction with my work. An artist that I find myself searching a lot is the work of John Howe. His work on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings has inspired me to take my work to the next level and keeps my striving to be great.